Archive - November 2000

World Sleep Day in Hungary – Press release

Press release, to be published from March 18,  2016

The whole world is not sleeping well, we try to stay awake ever more to the detriment of sleeping, which may have serious consequences to both our everyday life and our life quality. This international sleep medical statement was also confirmed by Hungarian experts on sleeping at the conference on sleeping, organized on the occasion of the World Sleep Day in Budapest.

On the occasion of the international event initiated by the World Association of Sleep Medicine, Hungary was also among the more than fifty countries to invite researchers, practicing somnologists and experts on sleeping, raising the attention to the lack of relaxing sleep at night that may lead to substantial deterioration of life quality, cause numerous diseases or may be a consequence them. Most sleeping disorders can be prevented or treated, still less then one third of those concerned knows and admits having a sleeping disorder, and they fail to consult an expert. Sleeping problems are global, impacting 45% of the world’s population, endangering their everyday life and making their lives shorter. Slackening daytime vigilance may reduce attention and the ability to concentrate, increasing the risk of accidents while driving. From 2017 WHO plans to declare sleeping an individual discipline, which will put the significance of this basic function of life into the forefront not only in scientific but also in the practical sense. Also in Hungary ever more actions are expected, as part of that a sleeping qualification is already provided by general practitioners when extending the validity of drivers’ licenses, however – primarily in case of professional vehicle drivers – measuring sleeping quality would be desirable to be integrated into the healthcare check-up activities. Hungarian experts are already well prepared for this: the sleeping qualification system of the Budapest Somnology Center was tested on more than 1,000 samples and it gained high level appreciation also among international experts.

As part of the international sleeping culture program, the 2016 Sleepfriendly Hotel award has also been handed over. This acknowledgement distinguishes and appreciates hotels that pay special attention to providing the appropriate conditions for a relaxing sleep. This year PRESTIGE HOTEL BUDAPEST received the award.

The World Sleep Day is an international event, targeting to raise attention to the importance of sleeping, with regards to life quality. On this day in numerous countries of the world doctors, researchers, healers and NGOs get together to demonstrate that drowsiness and insomnia are increasingly becoming public diseases, therefore much more attention needs to be paid to prevent and treat them. The World Sleep Day is already organized in Budapest the seventh time, based on the connections maintained with the World Association of Sleep Medicine, the international organization of World Sleep Day.

Published by: World Sleep Day 2016, Hungary Center, Budapest Somnology Center/Benyovszky Medical Center – for further information: G. Németh György president, telephone.: + 36 30 9 30 41 24; e-mail:

Professional partners

Hungary comprehensive health screening programs, Hungarian Sleep Society, Hungarian Society of Hypertension, Hungarian Pulmonology Company, Hungarian Psychiatric AssociationMagyar Elhízástudományi Társaság, Medicina 2000 Magyar Járóbeteg Szövetség, Semmelweis University Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Budapest Sleep Center / Medical Center Benyovszky, Homeodent MedicalCo Troubled Society, Global InnovationPhytotec Hungária, Billerbeck, Pharma Nord, FusionVital, Hungarian Prevention Foundation, Hungarian Association of Hotels and RestaurantsSleepfriendly Hotel International Program

Media partners

Lage Artis Medicine (LAM), Medical News HungaryIdeggyógyászati Szemle, Klinikai Onkológia, HypertoniaHypertonia és Nephrologia, Nővér, Hivatásunk (ápolási lap), Diabetes, Diabetologia Hungarica, Magyar Fogorvos, Napialvás, Patika MagazinGyógyszerész Hírlap, Stúdium & Practicum, Gyógyszertári Practicum Novum, Korszerű Kaleidoszkóp (tudományos folyóirat háziorvosoknak), Granum (családorvosok lapja) Pszichológia & Practicum, DrPortalWebbeteg, Hetedhéthatár, Mindennapi Pszichológia, Hatos Csatorna (TV), Literatura Medica Kiadó, Galenus Kiadó, Tudomány Kiadó, AlvásgyógyításOrvosiKözpont, Sleepfriendly Program

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AlvásThe sleep disorder has evolved into a global epidemic, which affects to nearly half of the world’s population – is said at the World Sleep Day in Budapest, initiated by the World Association of Sleep Medicine. The Hungarian partner of international this association, the Budapest Sleep Center/ Benyovszky Medical Center confirm on the basis of national research: Hungarian sleep worse than the European avarage.

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alvásAz alvászavar globális járvánnyá nőtte ki magát, ami a világ népességének közel a felét, az emberek életének valamelyik szakaszában érinti – hangzott el az Alvás Világnapján Budapesten, a World Association of Sleep Medicine által kezdeményezett rendezvényen.

A nemzetközi alvásgyógyítói világszervezet magyarországi partnere, a Budapesti Alvásközpont/Benyovszky Orvosi Központ a hazai kutatásai alapján megerősítette: rosszabbul alszunk, mint az európai átlag.

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Alvás világnapja előtt – Kitüntetik a magyar alvásgyógyítókat

alvasMárcius közepén lesz az Alvás Világnapja, amelyet Magyarországon a World Association of Sleep Medicine védnökségével a Budapesti Alvásközpont szervez.

A fejlett országokban a lakosság mintegy harminc százalékát érinthetik különböző alvásbetegségek, Magyarországon a helyzet ennél is rosszabb.

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